
Friday, April 27, 2018

How Can I Protect My Family from SFTS and Other Tick Borne Illnesses?

east asian tickTicks spread a number of serious illnesses. In the news there have been reports of SFTS, which is spread by the East Asian Tick that was recently introduce to United States. Currently, this tick is only found in the New Jersey area, and it is not in the Arlington area. However, the tick is expected to spread throughout the United States since it is extremely invasive. The experts are predicting a record tick season in Virginia, which increases your chances of contracting an illness from a tick. There are things that you can do to protect your family from SFTS and other tick-borne illnesses.

Protect Your Yard

One of the best ways to protect your family is to have a tick treatment applied to your yard. This will kill the ticks that are there and also creates a barrier around your yard that will stop ticks from wandering in. Getting rid of any leaf litter in your yard also helps, as does keeping your lawn short.

Dress Appropriately

When you go into areas that are prone to ticks, it is important to dress appropriately. You can do this by wearing long sleeves and long pants. When you tuck your shirt in and your pants into your socks, you give the ticks fewer places that they can come into contact with your skin. Once you leave an area that has ticks, you should check your clothing, because you may be able to brush off any ticks that are on your clothing before they have the chance to attach.

Wear Insect Repellent

Insect repellent is very good at stopping ticks from biting you. DEET is the most effective treatment for ticks. It comes in a number of different strengths. Once your child is two months old, it is safe to use insect repellent up to 25% DEET. If you are older, you can use 40% or higher if you know you will be spending an extended period of time in area with ticks. Be sure to reapply according the package directions.

Check for Ticks

It is important to regularly check for ticks. You should check under your arms, between your legs and behind your knees for ticks. You should also check around your hairline and in your ears. The sooner you find and remove a tick the better. This is because the ticks spread the disease when the regurgitate. If you find a tick, remove it with a pair of tweezers by pulling straight back. Never using gasoline, rubbing alcohol or Vaseline because this will cause the tick to regurgitate into your skin and it will increase the chances of you getting sick.


What Is the East Asian Tick?

east asian tick

The East Asian tick is a tick that is mostly brown in color. It is a tick that is considered very invasive, meaning it can quickly establish itself in an area. It is able to reproduce asexually. These ticks are often found in large numbers and can be very difficult to completely eliminate.

How Did the East Asian Tick Get to the United States?

No one is sure how the East Asian tick came to the United States. It was first found this fall in new Jersey. The officials there tried to eradicate it but were unable to. They just determined that is firmly established in New Jersey. It has not been identified in other areas of the United States including the Virginia Beach area. However, no one is sure how long it will take for the tick to spread outside of New Jersey.

Why Are People Worried About the East Asian Tick?

One of the reasons people are concerned about this tick is it is a known carrier of STFS, which is a serious illness. The ticks can also transmit other illnesses such as including Japanese spotted fever. They are often spotted around farm animals, but can also attach themselves to other animals including deer.

Should I Worry About Other Ticks Too?

The wet winter means that there should be a large tick population this year. Although the East Asian tick has not been identified in Virginia Beach yet, a number of other ticks have. These ticks also carry illnesses that can make you, your family or your pets very sick. These illnesses include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Stair and Lyme disease. Ticks can bite throughout the year and the small ticks, also called seed ticks, are very prevalent in the spring.

What Steps Can I Take to Stop Tick Bites?

There are steps you can take to protect yourself from tick bites. The first is to treat your yard for ticks. This allows you to enjoy your time outside without worrying about being bitten. Be sure to check for ticks often, especially after visiting a tick-prone area. You can wear insect repellent with DEET in it to reduce the chances of being bitten. Dressing in love sleeves and long pants can help. If you tuck your pants into your socks and your shirt into your pants, you lower the chance of being bitten. If you find a tick, you should remove it with tweezers and then flush it down the toilet or wrap it in tape.

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How Likely Am I to be Bitten by the East Asian Tick in Manassas?

east asian tick
There have recent reports about the East Asian tick in the news. This tick has just been identified as establishing itself in the United States. This tick species is considered extremely invasive and it is hard to eradicate. At this time the East Asian tick has only been found in New Jersey, so it is unlikely that you will be bitten by this tick in Manassas. However, it will likely spread and it is something that you should be aware of in the upcoming years.

Can Ticks Make Me Sick?

The East Asian tick is a known carrier of the SFTS virus which has not been found in the United States. This virus causes people to become quite ill. Since it is a virus there is not a known treatment, instead doctors will try to manage the symptoms and help you recover. There is a mortality rate of about twelve percent. There are other tick-borne illnesses in the United states including STARI, Rocky Mount spotted fever and Lyme disease. However, these can be treated with antibiotics and cured if caught early enough.

What Areas Are Prone to Ticks?

Experts have predicted a very active 2018 tick season. This means that you should be aware of any areas that may have ticks. They tend to like areas with leaf litter, areas with tall grass or bushes or the woods. You may be more likely to pick up a tick when camping or hunting, but they can be found in your backyard or at your city park too.

How Do I Check for Ticks?

It is important to check for ticks on a regular basis. You should check your clothing as soon as you leave a tick prone area. You may be able to brush the ticks off and avoid bringing them home for you. Once you arrive home, you should change your clothes and check behind your knees, under your arms and between your legs. They also like to attach themselves around your hairline or in your ears.

What Do I Do If I Find a Tick?

You should only remove the tick with tweezers by pulling straight back. Do not twist the tick to make it come loose, because it can leave its head embedded in your skin which can cause an infection. Once the tick is detached, you should dispose of it properly. You should not crush it with your hands because this increase the chances of you contracting an illness. If you start to develop signs of a tick-borne illness which usually includes a fever, you should seek medical attention and tell your doctor you were bitten by a tick. Most importantly you should take precautions by eliminating ticks in your yard through a professional tick control treatment.

What Danger Does the East Asian Tick Pose to People in North Carolina?

east asian tick

The East Asian tick has been on the news because it has been found in the United States. This tick is originally from Asia. It is recognized as a highly invasive species. It multiplies rapidly. It can reproduce asexually. When the East Asian tick is found, it is usually found in large numbers. There has been a case reported where enough ticks attached to one cow that they drained the cow until it died.

Should I Be Concerned About the East Asian Tick?

The main concern at this time is that the tick will spread throughout the United States. Currently, it is not in North Carolina, but officials are not sure how quickly it will spread. It does not respond well to attempts to contain it so the chances are that it will eventually reach North Carolina. The major concern is that the East Asian tick carries SFTS, which is a dangerous virus. There is no known treatment for the virus, instead doctors will manage the symptoms as the patients go through the course of the illness.

How Do I Identify Different Types of Ticks?

It can be difficult to identify the different types of ticks. The East Asian tick is brown and does not have spots or patterns on the back. However, this is similar to other ticks. The best option is to take the tick to the doctor or to your agricultural department to have it identified. Once you remove the tick, you should place it on a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and seal it in a zipper bag. The experts can look at the tick and determine what it is. If you find a tick that you have not seen before, you should have it checked out.

What Can I Do to Prevent Tick Bites?

There are a number of things you can do to prevent tick bites. When you are going into an area that has a lot of ticks, you should wear insect repellent with DEET. Wearing long sleeves and long pants can help too. You can treat your yard for ticks, and if you are worried about your children being bitten or if you live near woods, this is a good option. The tick season is expected to be record breaking with a large outbreak in North Carolina, so make sure you have professionals treat your yard for ticks. There are already several types of ticks in the area that can spread diseases, and you should be protecting your family from them.

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Monday, April 23, 2018

How to Get Rid Of Fleas in Your Clothes

More and more people today are keeping pets for comfort and companionship. However, pets also cause people to have to face many problems. One of the most annoying issues that most people have to deal with is fleas. Fleas can appear in every corner of the house such as in carpets, in beds, on your cats and dogs and on your clothes. Today, we will focus on treating fleas on your clothes.

Detect Problems

To eradicate fleas in your clothes in the most effective way, it is advised that you should find and detect the original cause of the flea infestation. First, you should check your pets as a flea infestation usually originates with them. If the cause of fleas in your clothes is your pets, you will need to give your pets some treatments to get rid of their fleas. This could be bathing them in flea shampoo and applying flea collars.

After detecting and treating the fleas on your pets, if any, you should remove them from the area for a while before implementing the next steps. This is because fleas can jump over a long distance, thus if you do not remove your pets, they may jump straight back onto your pets, making all your hard work for nothing. Then, check your wardrobe, your carpets and rugs to find the things that have fleas on. You can now take steps to eradicate them.

Steps for Removal


If you find out that the fleas are in your clothes, the following steps would enable you to eradicate them effectively. Firstly, make sure you put all infested clothing into a sturdy plastic bag and seal it up. This step will prevent you from spreading fleas while you are transporting your clothes to the washing machine or laundry facility.

You can now use a vacuum cleaner to eradicate any fleas’ eggs that are left. You should vacuum your carpets, floors, bed, and wardrobe thoroughly. Steam cleaning these things would be even more effective, as fleas will not survive the high temperatures. Wash all your clothes at the highest temperature your washing machine can reach. Once they’re dry, iron them thoroughly to kill any remaining flea eggs.

Once all this has been done, use some natural flea control products to prevent the fleas coming back again. This may be cedar wood blocks in your wardrobe or sprinkling it with essential oil such as lavender or tea tree oil.

Finally, keep your clothes in a dry place as this can prevent a re-infestation. Fleas like to live and breed in dark, humid places. It’s important to make sure that your house is always kept in a clean, tidy and sanitary condition.


“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a wise old saying. It is necessary to take some preventative steps after removing existing fleas on your pets and in your home. Here are a few tips to help you.

Vacuuming daily

It is important to vacuum your entire house daily. Because one female flea can lay up to fifty eggs a day, vacuuming daily is the best prevention method to protect your pets and your home.

Wash and launder regularly

 Do not leave your dirty clothes for more than three days before washing them. This will prevent fleas maturing and laying eggs on your clothes. Fleas prefer humid, dark and dirty places, which sounds just like a laundry basket! Thus, always do your laundry regularly

Use natural flea products

All the above-mentioned methods can help protect you from fleas. However, you should take the additional step of using natural flea products. This is one of the most effective prevention and treatment methods for fleas. One suggestion is cedar oil products, which can be sprayed onto your pets or around the yard and house. Another is to plant rosemary or lavender plants in pots around the outside of the house.

I hope that all the above steps can help you confront the problem of fleas in your clothes. You can find more flea treatments on this website.

Monday, April 16, 2018

5 Dangers of Wildlife on Your Property

Dangers of Wildlife on Your Property
Wildlife is a common occurrence in rural areas, and it is even common to see some wildlife in cities. You may be dealing with raccoons, moles, squirrels, deer and even foxes. While wildlife is common and an important part of nature, it is not necessarily a good idea to have a lot of wildlife on your property. There are dangers that wildlife can carry, and you may need to have some of the wildlife trapped and removed from your property or set up fences to keep it out of your home. Here are five dangers of wildlife on your property.

Danger to Your Pets

Wildlife can be a danger to your pets. If the wildlife has contracted rabies and is behaving erratically, it may be more likely to attack your pets. Some wildlife like coyotes may prove dangerous to your small dogs or cats. Raccoons will also defend their territory and may pose a threat to your animals that approach them. You will need to take your pet to the vet if they are bitten by animal.

Chance of Being Bitten

Some types of wildlife may be dangerous for your children as well. Raccoons are aggressive if your children accidentally stumble on a nest. Woodchucks have a powerful bite and strong teeth and can do serious damage to your home. Poisonous snakes also pose a problem for your children and will need to be addressed if they are on your property.

Exposure to Feces

Some of the animal feces can contain parasites that they can seriously impact your family if they even just accidentally step in it or disturb it. Raccoons have a parasite that will burrow into different areas of your body and leave a cyst that can cause issues years later. The best way to protect your family from these areas is to keep the animals away from your family.

Damage to Your Property

Wildlife can damage your property. If they get into your crawlspace or your attic, they can pull apart your insulation, chew through wiring and wreak havoc on your HVAC system. They can also chew through your fence, tip over trash cans and they can ruin your vegetable garden. Even birds and bats can damage your home if they live in your attic.

Risk of Contracting an Illness

Wildlife can spread a number of different illnesses. They can also carry fleas which can also spread a number of diseases. There is also the chance of it spreading illnesses like rabies. Watching out for more aggressive animals can help you prevent from contracting an illness.

Why Does My Home Smell Musty?

Why Does My Home Smell MustyThe air in your home can directly affect your and your family’s health. There are a number of different reasons why your home may have a musty smell. The first step that you need to do is to identify why your home is smelling musty and then you can take the steps to address it.

Address Things That Are Causing the Smell

Your home may smell musty because it is holding onto old cooking odors or there may be issues with having a pet. If this is the case, you will need to address the issues by addressing the smells. Cleaning your home thoroughly can help. Be sure to wash your dishes right away and to wipe down the counters and stove food. Taking out the trash can help. If you have issues due to having pets in your home, you can address this in a few different ways. You may need to bathe your pet more often and be sure to wash any bedding they sleep in on a regular basis. You may want to have the carpets cleaned more regularly. If you are a smoker, you may be facing issues with this smell. Make sure your home can air out, and try to smoke next to an open window. Cleaning your furniture and your drapes can also help with this.

Look for Other Issues

 If you have a strong mildew or mold smell in your home, you will need to look for what may be causing this smell. You should begin by looking in your crawlspace or basement for issues. Check to see if there is moisture in this area. You should look for signs of mold growth on the wood or insulation. If the area is damp, you need to address this because it can lead to mold growing and the air in your crawlspace does affect the overall air quality of your home. This may need to be addressed by a professional that can encapsulate or seal off your crawlspace. This will address any mold issues and help with your heating and cooling bills too.

Find Trouble Spots

You may find that there is one room in your home where the smell is stronger than others.  If you have an issue with a bathroom that is always smelly, you may need to have the plumbing checked to make sure that the pipes are vented properly and that there isn’t anything trapped or any clogs. You should make sure that the ventilation system in your bathroom works properly as well as that there is no mold in the bathrooms. This should help overall.

Are Fire Ants an Issue in Virginia?

fire ants in VirginiaFire ants are an invasive species of ant that are spreading throughout the United States. They do better in warmer climates, so they tend to be found in the southern parts of the United States more than the northern parts.  They can be found from California to Florida and are pushing a bit more north every year.

Fire Ants in Virginia Beach

Fire ants have been reported around Roanoke and Richmond and in areas near Virginia Beach. They are growing more each year and may be an issue in your yard. Fire ant colonies can be quite extensive with large tunneling systems. They have been an issue in Virginia Beach and the Hampton Roads area. It is important to understand the threats that fire ants can pose.

Dangers of Fire Ants

The biggest danger of fire ants is there bite, which stings. When fire ants bite, it will leave a large welt. Often people are bitten by several fire ants at nearly the same time, and when they are disturbed, many fire ants will attack at once. Fire ant bites can cause a serious allergic reaction in some people. They will also attack and eat small animals.  People who have been bitten by a fire ant never forget how strong the sting is. It can take a while for the stinging to go away and then bite can be painful for a while.

Spotting Fire Ants

Usually you will see the fire ant mounds before you see the ants themselves. The mounds can be quite large almost, a foot hide and about eighteen inches in diameter. They will start out smaller and look like sandy piles. Fire ant mounds do not have holes in the top of them. Fire ants are reddish brown and larger than most ants. If you see fire ants, you should steer clear. Be careful of stepping on the mounds. If find the mounds, you should keep your family members clear of the area until you can treat the area.

Treating Fire Ants

Fire ants can be difficult to treat because they will flee the mound you are treating through their extensive tunneling system. They will then build a new colony and mounds somewhere else in your yard. A professional can be sure to completely eliminate the fire ants for you. In order to eliminate the colony, you need to be sure to kill the queen and be sure that you treat all the possible mounds and tunnels that they have created.

5 Questions About Wood Rot

what is wood rotWood rot is a common problem, especially in older homes. It can occur in almost any home, and there are certain things that make it easier for wood rot to occur. If you have an older home, or if you have had a flood in your home, it is important to keep an eye out for wood rot and to check periodically for signs of wood rot.

What Is Wood Rot?

Wood rot is caused by fungus that will grow on your wood and weaken it. It happens when the wood becomes wet and your home is warm. It is common in areas that are usually damp, and your crawlspace may be one area that has an issue with wood rot. You may also face issues in your bathroom or eve in your attic if you have had a leak in your ceiling. It is vital that if you have a burst pipe or flood from a rainstorm that you make sure everything dries out completely as quickly as possible to make sure that you do not end up with wood rot.

How Do I Identify Wood Rot?

You may see the fungus growing on the wood itself. You can also check the wood. If it is spongy or soft and darker than the other wood, this is a sign. If the wood has dried out completely, it will be crumbly and crack easily when you test it.

Where Can Wood Rot Occur?

Wood rot can occur anywhere in your home where wood is. The wood needs to become wet to allow the fungus to grow on it, so bathrooms and kitchen floors are common areas, as is your crawlspace or basement, but it can spread from those areas to other areas in your home.

How Do I Repair Wood Rot?

When dealing with repairing wood rot, you will need to replace the wood that has been affected by wood rot. There are treatments you can apply to the surrounding areas to stop it from spreading. The wood rot weakens the wood and can cause issues with structural integrity of your home, so you need to act quickly to address the issues of wood rot around your home.

How Can I Prevent Wood Rot?

Building with wood that is treated against wood rot can make a difference. The most important thing you can do is to keep the wood dry, which means making sure your crawlspace is dry and climate controlled. You also need to act quickly after a flood to clean up and make sure everything dries out completely.

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs

bed bugs FAQBed bugs are a growing problem throughout the United States. Since they were eradicated in the United States for nearly fifty years, many people are not sure on how to treat them and how to avoid getting them. With the increase in travel both in the country and internationally, bed bugs are spreading throughout the country. Here are five questions people ask about bed bugs.

Where Can I Catch Bed Bugs?

Many people will bring bed bugs home with them after a trip. Bed bugs will camp in a hotel room and crawl into your luggage while you are sleeping. Do not put your luggage on the floor of the hotel or on furniture. You can also bring them home from the gym, from school or anywhere where you may put your bag down and they can crawl into it. They have invaded schools and public buildings in some areas.

Do Bed Bugs Make People Sick?

While bed bugs do bite you and drink your blood, they do not transmit diseases to people. They can carry some diseases, but there are no known cases of them spreading an illness to a person. Some people can have an allergic reaction to the bed bugs. The bites can be extremely itchy.

How Do You Treat Bed Bugs?

There are a few different ways to treat bed bugs. However, bed bugs are resistant to some treatments. They also need to have the treatment applied directly on them. This can make treating bed bugs on your own tricky because they will hide in very small cracks that you may not see. You will need to wash your sheets in hot water and seal your mattress in a mattress cover designed for bed bugs.

Can I Get Rid of Bed Bugs on My Own?

While you may try to treat bed bugs on your own, it is more effective to hire a professional that has been trained in where to look for bed bugs and the best way to treat for them. They can usually treat them in just one bed bug treatment. This can give you peace of mind and the protection from these pests. The professionals have access to more effective pest control products that are safer for your family.

How Do I Find Bed Bugs?

You may notice small bites in rows as one of the signs of bed bugs. You may also see bloodstains on your sheets. You can look for the bed bugs on your mattress and box springs. They will hide in your headboard, nearby furniture and cracks in your baseboards. They are very small and can fit in areas where you do not think that they could feet.

Why Is My Home So Humid?

Why Is My Home So Humid
Living in a humid home can be frustrating. It allows mold to grow on your walls. It can cause issues with your comfort level and make your heating or air conditioning systems to work harder. There are a few areas that you need to consider and possible solutions to address your home if it is humid.

Use Your Ventilation Fans

Turning on the fans in your bathroom and over your stove can help remove the humid air from your home. This will protect those rooms from possible mold growth. It is a simple solution for areas that are often temporarily humid from hot water running.

Examine Your Crawlspace

Your crawlspace may be contributing to your home’s humidity, especially if water is draining into it after a storm and it does not have a place to go. It is important to address this by encapsulating your crawlspace to prevent other complications like mold growth or wood rot. If you hate going into your crawlspace because it is also humid and hot, it is a sign that you need to address this.

Address Your Basement

If you have a basement instead of a crawlspace, it may also be an issue. You will need to make sure that the area is completely sealed off. The outside of your basement needs to be waterproofed. You will need to repair any cracks in your foundation. You may need to install a French drain or a sump pump to help with drainage during a bad rainstorm.

Consider a Dehumidifier

Another option to help with humidity is install a dehumidifier. This machine will take the moisture out of the air of your home. You may consider installing one that will help with your entire house. You may also consider putting one in your crawlspace if that is an area that seems to always be humid even after you have encapsulated your crawlspace.

Wrap Your Pipes

Wrapping your pipes can stop the air from condensing on colder pipes or air conditioning vents. This can make a big different in how much moisture collects in these areas which can also help prevent mold from growing in your home, as well as prevent wood rot. Wrapping your water heater can also help, and it can also help to lower your electric bill.

Run Your Air Conditioner

If you live in a naturally humid area, there may be days in the spring and fall where you do not need to run your HVAC system, but if you keep it on, it will work to draw the humidity out of the air. If you just have it cycle a few times during the day it should make a different in your home’s overall humidity level.

The Best Ways to Prevent Rodents

The Best Ways to Prevent RodentsRodents are a nightmare for any homeowner. It is a hassle to trap rodents if they get into your home, not to mention the extensive cleanup process that follows. They can also spread disease and may bite your family members. The best thing you can do is to take the steps to help prevent rodents from getting in your home. Here are some things you can do to prevent rodents from getting in your home.

Prevent Rodents by Keeping Your Home Clean

Rodents are attracted to smells and readily available food. If you have a teenager that loves to leave food in their room or in the family room, you may be attracting the rodents into your home without realizing it. Doing the dishes each night and taking out the trash can help. Keeping your food stored in airtight containers and keeping your home free from clutter will also help prevent rodents from setting up a nest in your home.

Prevent Rodents by Repairing Your Home

Rodents are opportunistic. They will take advantage of any weak areas in your home and work to find their way in. Be sure that you regularly check the areas where the pipes and drains come into your home, as this is often an easy access point. Your crawlspace and along your foundation can also give access as well as your roof and under the eaves. If you see weak wood or holes repair them to stop the rodents from coming in.

Prevent Rodents by Addressing Your Property

Taking care of your property can help prevent rodents from finding their way into your home. If you have a lot of junk on your property, there are more places for them to hide. If you allow your lawn to become overgrown, you can also increase the chances of rodents hiding in the grass and then moving into your home as the weather becomes cold. If you keep the trees and bushes trimmed away from your home, you make it more difficult for the rodents to get into your home.

Prevent Rodents by Covering Your Trash

It is important to make sure the trash stored outside of your home is covered and sealed tightly. Open trash cans or overflowing trash cans attract animals and rodents. Once they are on your property, they are more likely to move into your home and cause issues there. Keeping the cans closed tightly can make a big difference overall.

What Is Crawlspace Encapsulation?

What Happens During Crawlspace Encapsulation?

 Crawlspace encapsulation is the process that seals off your crawlspace from the elements. It is a process that can have a variety of benefits for your home including lowering your cooling and heating bills and it can make your home healthier as it can address issues with the cleanliness of the air.

The entire crawlspace is sealed off. The ground underneath the crawlspace is sealed off with a liner. It will go up to the wood of the home. If you have batting siding, it is usually replaced with board siding. This is helpful because it is more mold resistant. It can also do a better job of keeping your floorboards warm. The ductwork is changed so that the air from your air conditioner is now circulated throughout the crawlspace. This helps your air conditioner and furnace to work more efficiently since the outside air will not affect the system. The vents into the crawlspace are sealed off, and a special door is installed that will seal the space completely.

Why Should I Consider This?

There are many reasons why crawlspace encapsulation is a good option. It can improve your air quality. A crawlspace that is not sealed off can become humid and it can cause the wood to rot, it can also cause issues with allowing old to grow which will affect the air inside of your home. This can also give your home an extra layer of protection against insects like termites or other pests that may invade your home. It keeps the wood in your crawlspace dry and away from the insects.

Can I Do This Project on My Own?

There are a number of different steps that you will need to take and changes that you will need to make to a number of systems. It can take time, and if you miss one step or miss sealing one item, all your hard work may be for nothing. It is better to allow the professionals to take care of it for you. They can do it more quickly and make sure that everything is done correctly. They can address all the issues including possible drainage issues in the crawlspace that you may not recognize on your own. Although you may think that this is a costly project, it will save you money in your heating and cooling bills and in possible termite extermination and other repairs that can happen when your home is not properly cared for.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

How to Help Your Property Recover from Termites

Many homeowners feel panic when they first suspect that they may have termites. Then a feeling of dread may settle in once that is confirmed after an inspection. A termite infestation affects your ability to your sell your home, and it can reduce your property value until the repairs are completed. Here are the steps you need to take to help your property completely recover from a termite infestation.

Treat Your Home for Termites

The first step is treat the termite infestation and get rid of the termites. The sooner you have the termites treated, the less damage that they can do to your property. While many people try to treat for insect infestations themselves, when it comes to termites, it is best to use a professional. They can correctly apply the treatments and make sure that the termites do not return. Termite control treatments usually come with a warranty, which protects you against future termite infestations.

Make the Repairs

While you may want to delay making the repairs because of the cost to do so, it is important to make the repairs right away. The repairs may have made your home structurally unsound. You will need to make these repairs to keep your family safe from the damage. While you may not have significant structural damage to your home, you should still make the repairs. The damaged wood will give easy access to other insects and animals that may try to come into your home. It is important to make those repairs correctly and right away. While you may be tempted to make the repairs yourself, there are proper ways to make those repairs to keep your home safe, and having a professional may be the best option.

Prevent Future Infestations

Take the time to examine your home for signs of weakness. Be sure that the roof is in good repair and that any vents are covered with grates that will keep termites out. Check your crawlspace to see if it can be improved by keeping it dry and sealed off. You can also check your property to see if there is any wood around the property that may attract the termites.

Set Up a Continued Monitoring System

It is important to have a continued monitoring system for termites. This can be done around your property. You should continue to have regular inspections and treatments done in the future to prevent termites from being an issue again.

5 Commonly Asked Questions About Termites

termite controlTermites are a large problem throughout the world. While they perform a necessary part in breaking down the dead wood that may be underground or around a forest and turning it into soil, they can also do significant damage to your home in a relatively short period of time. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions.

Can Termites Hurt People?

Termites will feed on wood. They avoid light and will spend their time underground. Termites focus the most on their colonies and their roles within it. The solider termites that are designed to protect the colony may bite you if you are hassling them in some way, but it is not a very common occurrence. For the most part, termites will leave you alone as they just want to remain undetected as they feed on your home.

Can I Treat Termites on My Own?

While you may be able to find methods of treatment throughout the internet that suggest using vinegar soaked cardboard or other methods, it really is best to turn to the professionals for treatments. This is because of the extensive damage that termites can cause to your home and make it unsafe for you and your family. However, you can focus on preventing termites in your yard and around your home by clearing out dead wood on your property and keeping the trees and bushes from touching your home. You can also avoid using mulch around your property.

Do Termites Fly?

Termites will fly when they swarm. This happens when some of the termites leave to establish a new colony. Generally, termites will swarm in the spring. If you see flying termites around your property or in your home, you likely have an established colony on your property. If you see piles of discarded wings, you likely have a newly established colony. Either way you should schedule a termite inspection to make sure that you do not have an issue in the future.

Do I Really Need a Termite Inspection?

You should schedule an annual termite inspection or set up a termite monitoring system around your property. This allows you to catch termite activity before it become s too serious. The inspector will look at common areas where termites first start to attract your home, like your attic, crawlspace or basement. The inspectors are trained to look below the surface and to catch any activity so that you can begin treatment. You can watch for signs of termites like mud tubes, damaged wood around your property or in your home or discarded wings as well.

How Much Damage Do Termites Really Do to Your Home?

One termite colony can eat through your entire home in just two years. While this may seem like a slow process, it is important to realize that the damages that make your home unsafe like weakened floor joists, can actually happen much more quickly. Another thing to consider is that many people find that they have more than one colony on their property. Termites can damage the floor joists, floor boards, supporting beams and any area that is wood. Dampwood termites will eat the protective casings around electrical wires and can create a serious fire hazard. This damage can affect your property value until it is addressed and repaired.

What Is the Most Common Type of Termite in Virginia?

termite controlThere are three basic types of termites, and there are different steps that you can take to protect your home from those types of termites. It helps to know what the primary types of termites that you will need to worry about in and around your property. In Virginia, the most common type of termite is the Eastern Subterranean termite.

Eastern Subterranean Termites

The Eastern Subterranean termite is spread throughout the Eastern part of the United States. These termites live underground in colonies and the termites will crawl up into the wood to feed. They will build mud tubes to protect themselves as they crawl up into your home. There three different roles in an Eastern Subterranean termite colony. The workers will focus on getting the wood to feed the colonies, the soldiers will protect the other termites, and the queen and kings. These termite colonies can move as they move from food source to food source.

Preventing Subterranean Termites

The best way to prevent these termites from infesting your home is to remove everything that attracts them to your yard. This means clearing out old wood like fallen trees or branches. You may also want to clear out old tree stumps. Clearing out leaf debris can also help. Be sure that you do not use wood mulch near your home, since the termites will eat that. You should also be sure that you only use treated wood in the building projects around your home.

You should also be sure that your home is in good repair. Leaks can make your wood wet, which is how termite prefer it. You should be sure that the wood dries out completely. Check your foundation periodically for cracks, which can give termites easy access to your home. You should also check for mud tubes along the foundation, which is a sign that you already have termites in the home.

What Other Types of Termites Can Damage My Home?

There are two other subtypes of termites. Dampwood termites like to feed on damp wood. They may come in through your attic. These termites need constant access to moisture and they can actually build their colonies inside of the wood of your home as they eat it. Drywood termites will also live inside the wood of the home. They are more likely to eat through the siding of your home and you can even find them in furniture. Keeping your home in good repair can prevent the termites from finding their way into your home.

5 Cockroaches in Virginia

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Cockroaches can be a serious problem and it only takes a few to start a serious infestation in your home. Once a cockroach wanders in looking for food and water, it can only take a few weeks for it turn into a full-blown insect infestation. Here are five types of cockroaches found in Virginia.

American Cockroaches

The American cockroach is large and grow up to one and half inches long. It can fly. It is also known as the Palmetto bug or water bugs. These roaches are a reddish brown and may have pale marking along the sides. These cockroaches tend to come in your home during the winter or after a rainstorm. The prefer the temperature to be around 84 degrees. American roaches will eat a variety of food including cheese, beer, hair and glue.

Brown-banded Cockroaches

These small cockroaches look similar to German cockroaches, but they have white bands across the body. These cockroaches may be found in your home. These cockroaches do not need as much water and so they will spread out into your living room and bedrooms. They will feed on a wide variety of things including trash and even nylon. When they invade your home, they can live for up to 206 days.

German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are light brown and small. They are different from brown-banded cockroaches because they have distinct dark parallel streaks that run down the back starting at the head and moving down to the base of the wings. German cockroaches will not survive outside and need warm weather. They are usually found in homes, restaurants or institutions like nursing homes. The German cockroach reproduces the most rapidly out any cockroach and likes sweet, fatty foods, starches and meats. They will eat glue or toothpaste if other food is not available.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are another common cockroach found inside homes. These are darker in color than German cockroaches and can be dark brown to almost black. They prefer areas that are damp and can be found around pipes that leak and in sewers. They move more slowly than other cockroaches but can prove difficult to kill since they may wash the insecticide off when they travel through water.

Wood Roaches

Wood roaches are unlike the other cockroaches listed. While they are the most common roaches in Virginia, they primarily live outside. It is not easy for a colony to be established inside of your home, and so you usually do not need to treat for these roaches. You can find wood roaches around heavily wooded areas. These roaches will fly, and have a white margin just behind their head.

The experts at EcoTek can help you correctly identify and treat any cockroaches that you may have in your home. It is important to work quickly to eliminate any roaches to prevent a true infestation taking hold.

5 Things That Attract Termites to Your Home and Property

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If you are concerned about termites, you may be wondering what you can do to protect your home from the invasion of termites. Termites serve an important part in the ecosystem. They help to break trees and wood back into soil. Even though termites are necessary, that does not mean that you want them attacking your home or being active on your property. Here are five thing that attract termites to your property.

Old Decaying Trees

Termites like to feed on old, dead wood. If you have decaying trees on your property, even in the back corners, you are inviting termites to come to your property by offering them up a meal. It is important to clear out old decaying trees. You should also address trees that may not be well and in the process of dying because some types of termites will feed on sick trees as well. Be sure to remove any limbs or falling trees.


Wood mulch may be a good thing to help keep the moisture around your flower beds. It can also help your yard look nicer, but wood mulch can attract termites to your property. You should never use it in the beds that directly touch your home, but you may also want to consider other materials in your flower beds including a rubber mulch or a cedar mulch. There are a number of different materials you can use.

Wooden Structures Including Your Deck

The outbuildings, deck and fencing around your yard can all attract termites to your yard. The solution is to build these structures out of wood that is specially treated to not attract termites. Treated wood can last up to forty years, but you will need to check on it periodically. If you have structures that are not built of treated wood you will need to replace them.

Moist Wood in Your Crawlspace or Basement

Termites like wood that is wet or moist. If your crawlspace is hot or humid and if you dread going in them because of the way it feels or smells, it is likely that it would naturally attract termites as the floor joists and subfloor are weakened from the moisture. The best way to address this issue is to encapsulate the crawlspace and make sure that it is sealed completely from the elements.


Firewood naturally attracts termites. While you may want to have firewood on your property to help you save money on your heating bill, there are steps you can take to protect your home from termites, and your firewood. Be sure to store it away from your home, not against it. You should store it on a concrete slab, and you should keep it covered to prevent termites.

5 Home Maintenance Projects to Protect Yourself from Termites

termite control
Termites can cause thousands of dollars to your home in a very short period of time. Termites will steadily eat through the wood of your home all while remaining hidden. It is important to regularly have your home inspected for termites, but there are projects you can do to your home that can help protect it from termites. These steps can help you prevent the termites from coming into your home.

Check Your Ventilation to Make Sure It Is Working

Many termites prefer damp wood and so making sure that your home stays dry and the ventilation system is working properly is important. You should take time each year to make sure that all the ventilation in your attic and other areas of your home is open and unblocked. When you check this system, you should also check to make sure that each of the vents have a grate installed that will keep swarming termites and other insects out of your home.

Fix Your Crawlspace

Your crawlspace may be the perfect place for termites to enter your home. If you dread going into your crawlspace because it is hot and humid and full of mud and puddles, then you definitely need to address this. The humidity in the crawlspace can allow the wood to become damp which makes it more attractive to termites. If the ground is not covered with plastic and sealed, it makes it easier for subterranean treatments to be installed. While past practices were to allow your crawlspace to vent to the exterior, most people now recommend encapsulating your crawlspace and sealing it off so that the HVAC system is safer. It also makes the home in your house cleaner and safer to breath.

Check and Repair Your Roof

Loose shingles can give termites easy access to your attic where they can set up shop without ever realizing that there is a problem. Take time each year to check out your roof and to be sure that the shingles are in good condition. If you find one or two that are loose you can repair them or you may want to hire someone to do it for you. While you are up there, be sure to check around the vents to make sure that they are sealed.

Check Pipes for Leaks Periodically

Leaky pipes allow moisture to weaken the wood in your home. The damp wood is the food that termites prefer to feed on. You should periodically check the pipes in your home to make sure that you do not have any leaks. If you do find a leak or if your home has a flood, you will need to make sure that the wood dries out completely as quickly as possible. You can set up fans throughout the room to aid with it. You should check the wood once it is dry to make sure it is still strong and that it does not need to be replaced.

Close Holes into Your Home

Take time to check around your foundation, and any areas where a pipe or wiring enters your home to be sure that they are sealed off completely. Termites can enter through any small opening and explore your home looking for a meal, making sure these areas are sealed will protect your home from termites and other insects. It can also help with the energy efficiency of your home.

Preparing to Sell Your Home After a Termite Infestation

termite prevention
When you learn that you have termites, you may be wondering how it will affect your ability to sell your home in the future. You may have taken care of the problem and tried to put it out of your mind, but now that it is time to sell, you will need to take a few extra steps to be sure that the sale of your home goes smoothly. Under law you must disclose that your home has had termites in the past, but there are things you can do to help things go smoothly when you are selling.

Show Documentation of the Original Treatment and Findings

You need to keep copies of the initial inspection that showed the termite activity, as well as the treatment that was completed to eliminate the termites. This report can answer questions about the type of treatment that was used, and how extensive the termite damage was to the home. This gives your potential buyer a clear understanding of what the issues were.

Be Prepared to Show Evidence of Repairs

It is important to provide documentation of the repairs that were made. It should show that all of the damage in the initial report was taken care of. You can provide the name of contractor or company that completed the repairs. This gives another layer of transparency which will help your buyer to feel more comfortable about buying the home.

Explain Monitoring and Further Treatments

As part of the treatment, you will receive information on how long the termite treatment will last. You will also need to have continued monitoring done of your property to make sure there are no issues in the future. It is a good to have regular inspections done on your home. Depending on the type of treatment that you had done, you may need continued termite control treatments. You should provide the type of treatment, and you should also give the name of the company that you used to complete this service. Many new home buyers will continue to use the same company, especially if the warranties from the initial treatment carry over.

Schedule a New Inspection

You should schedule an inspection as part of preparing to sell your home. This report will report on any current activity in your home by termites or other wood destroying organisms. If you have had regular treatments and inspections since your original treatment then this report should not show any problems. If it does show an issue, then you will need to have another treatment, and make any necessary repairs.

What Are the Types of Termite Treatments?

There are several different termite control treatments that can be done to help treat and prevent termites. The type of treatment that is best for you depends on the situation and what types of termites that you have. You should seek a professional opinion and listen to your exterminator to determine the best treatment. However, it is a good idea to understand the basic treatments.

Wood Treatment

One of the treatments is to treat the wood. This is done by spraying the wood with a termiticide. This treatment is good at treating the exterior of the wood, and it can be done on wood that is already in an existing structure as a way to eliminate termites. However, it does not penetrate to the center of the wood, which can still be eaten by termites. Pressure treated wood has the treatment saturate the wood more completely. Pressure treated wood is good to use in outdoor structures like your patio or your fence.

Soil Treatment

Another way to provide a treatment is to treat the soil around your home. Soil treatment is often completed before a concrete slab is poured for a new building. This treatment is mixed and then poured into the ground at a depth of at least thirty inches. The insecticide is mixed with water and it saturates the soil. There is also the option of treating the soil around the exterior of your home once it is built. The treatment will be poured into holes and through a trench that surrounds the home. The holes need to be at least thirty inches deep. There are specific regulations about doing this to protect the environment and it is best to have a professional do it.

Foundation Treatment

This is a very common treatment. Once termites are found in your home, a treatment is applied directly to the foundation of your home. The treatment is effective because termites will pass through it and carry it back to the colony and it will eliminate the queen and then the colony. If the foundation is a cinder block foundation, the treatment needs to be applied on the inside of each void or hole in the cinder block. This does require drilling into it.

Baits and Monitoring System

The final treatment is done through a monitoring system that installs baits around the property. The baits contain materials that naturally attract the termites. These stations are monitored regularly. If termites are found inside the stations, the cores are replaced with one that contains termiticide. The termites will take this back to the colony and eliminate the colony on your property so that it does not reach you home.

Schedule an Inspection

One of the best ways to protect your home is to schedule regular termite inspections. You should schedule an inspection each year. If you notice signs of termite activity like mud tubes along your foundation, you should schedule an inspection right away. The sooner you catch a termite infestation, the more quickly you can stop the termites from damaging your home.